
Fireworks Diamonds® uses the Sarine Light Performance system to determine the diamond’s Light performance score. This score is determined by direct measurement of the diamond’s interaction with light using the Sarine Light™ scientific device (pictured here.)

    Brilliance: The intense bright light that shines from the diamond

    Sparkle: The dramatic flashes that burst out of the diamond as it moves

    Fire: The vivid colors of the rainbow that radiate from within the diamondLight

    Symmetry: The equal distribution of light that reflects from the diamond

Digital Reports

Sarine Light™Device –How Does It Work?


“The intense bright light that shines from the diamond”

Brilliance is calculated as the average grey level of the all images.

The Higher grey level will provide Higher Brilliance.


Sparkle “The flashes that burst out of the diamond as it moves”

Sparkle is calculated using Contrast and Fire.Contrast -the system analyzes the changes in the images under different light conditions.

Checks the contrast changes between a neighboring images


“The vivid colors of the rainbow that radiate from within the diamond”

Brilliance is calculated as the average grey level of the all images.

Achieved by calculating the color distance.

The system calculates two aspects of Fire :

-Static Fire -the total effect of Fire –the sum of all color magnitudes from all the images.

-Dynamic Fire –how fire changes in different illumination.


“Light even distribution across the diamond”

Light distribution in the diamond is calculated using the composed image of all the images.Check the variation among same location in the images every 45 degrees.

Divide the average image in to 8 areas and check the differences among them